MN.IT offers video conference subscription services that deliver:
- video conference-enabled network connections,
- video conference application support services,
- video conference event services, and
- physical facilities.
Video Conference-Enabled Network Connections
Video conference-enabled network connection services provide a
connection from a customer location with one or more video systems
into a quality of service-enabled network.
The subscriber responsibilities are to:
- Purchase the video subscription from MN.IT.
- Purchase bandwidth from MN.IT.
- Purchase, install, and maintain the facilities. The facilities
include the room, the codec, the camera, and the rest of the
equipment. The facilities should meet MN.IT standards and be maintained
in accordance with those standards.
- Provide MN.IT with contact information for the site's technical staff.
- Notify MN.IT of any changes to the room's or equipment's
- Provide MN.IT access to equipment as needed.
MN.IT's responsibilities are to:
- Provision and maintain the network resources required to meet the
purchased needs.
- Provide the E.164 number(s).
- Maintain a white pages listing of available video conference sites.
- Provide Quality of Service to the best extent possible.
- Provide monitoring and reporting on the service.
- Operate a Technical Assistance Center (TAC) that supports video
- Perform inter-operability testing and certification of
video conference codecs, software, and configurations and to maintain a
list of those approved for use with this service.
- Perform initial testing and acceptance of video conference site
- Maintain a current list of technical staff contact information.
- Maintain contracts and vendor relationships with video conference
equipment providers.
- Maintain contracts, connections and vendor relationships with
video conference network and service providers to enable world-wide
- Set standards for rooms, codecs, and cameras.
- Develop and provide training for host sites and participants.
Video Conference Application Support Services
Video conference application support services provide customers with
training and operational support to enable them to deploy and operate
successful video conference applications for their organization.
The subscriber responsibilities are to:
- Purchase the video subscription.
- Identify the type of application (e.g., court hearing,
- Provide local operational staff support.
- Designate a site coordinator and one or more backup site coordinators.
- Provide coordinator and backup contact information to MN.IT and keep
this information current.
- Attend required MN.IT training.
- Participate in MN.IT user group activities as needed.
MN.IT's responsibilities are to:
- Create a user community of public and private organizations that
adheres to common practices and processes, thus enabling seamless
connectivity among all.
- Offer services tailied to specific applications.
- Maintain a white pages listing of available video conference sites.
- Determine and document the service and its best practices for
operating and supporting video conferencing services.
- Operate a video conference reservation center in support of video
- Offer a site coordinator training program.
- Organize and offer user group activities.
- Provide documents and communications in support of operating
video conference services.
Video Conference Event Services
Video conference event services provide customers with event
planning, event management, event technology and event evaluation
service. The goal is to enable successful video conference events
within the customer organizations.
A video conference event is a call from one site to one or more
other site(s). The conference organizer is responsible for providing
a conference host site.
The host site responsibilities are to:
- Notify MN.IT about the conference and provide MN.IT with the host site
contact information.
- Determine the schedule.
- Determine which sites are involved.
- Coordinate with all involved sites regarding the schedule.
- Determine any special needs.
- Arrange for sites to meet the special needs.
- Function as the point of contact for all problems that arise
during the conference lifetime.
- Report problems, issues or questions to MN.IT.
- Authorize any changes, including changes to the conference
schedule or participant sites.
- Authorize MN.IT staff to enter the conference while in session if
necessary. See the When MN.IT May Join a
Video Conference page.
- Pay event-based fees as appropriate.
Participant site responsibilities are to:
- Follow the video best practices.
- Follow the standard install process for the video site.
- Adhere to room standards.
- Commit to the host site's timeframe.
- Participate in event pre-planning as needed.
- Communicate any known issues or special requests to the host site
in advance of the event, allowing enough time for the host site to
address them.
- Communicate problems during the event to the host site.
MN.IT's responsibilities are to:
- Operate the event as required and appropriate.
- Provide a common calendaring and notification system mechanism to
coordinate and communicate schedules.
- For some service levels, provide and/or manage conference bridge
ports (MCU) and gateway ports.
- Determine and document event procedures and best practices.
- Offer a conference-host training program.
- Manage process hand-offs to other video conference service
- Bill event-based fees as appropriate.
- Offer an event evaluation service.