What the the components of MN.IT's videoconferencing service?

The basic components include:

What service add-ons are available?

Depending on your service agreement with MN.IT SERVICES, the following premium features are available and may incur additional charges:

Is closed captioning available in your videoconference service?

Although MN.IT SERVICES does not provide closed or open captioning services, a quick web search for "closed captioning services" will locate available vendors, or you can create the captions yourself. If captioning yourself, CEA-608 (also called Line 21) captions are the NTSC standard.

How long has the State of Minnesota been offering video services?

In 1991, MN.IT SERVICES began offering video services through fractional-T1 circuits, and completed the migration to video over IP (H.323 ITU Standard) in 2003. H.323, and to a lesser extent SIP, is now used by all MN.IT SERVICES video customers sans one. IP video is much more cost effective and provides far less delay, more features, better flexibility better overall picture/audio performance and greater reliability than dial-up data services.

How many video systems are there in the State of Minnesota?

There are close to 1,800 systems deployed on MNET at over 300 locations. Every county has at least one system. Several K12s, many higher education sites and the University of Minnesota as well as the following agencies have installed IP video systems: BCA, PCA, HSEM, MDH, DOLI, DOT, DEED, Public Safety, Historical Society, Zoo, DNR, DHS, Revenue and Dept. of Corrections.

How does video over IP work? How is the quality of the MN.IT SERVICES service?

Audio and video TV signals are digitized, compressed and sent out like data onto the IP network. If a videoconference packet is corrupted or gets dropped by the network it will be discarded. Real Time packets are never retransmitted. However, MN.IT SERVICES videoconference packets have special marks that give them precedence between systems on MNET network. The special marking on these packets allow MN.IT SERVICES to provide very clean delivery of videoconference information. Anytime a packet gets discarded, the system has to guess what it contained and causes, on rare occasions, an oddly colored block, or other artifact to appear briefly on-screen. However, in a typical hour-long conference between MNET locations, no packets should get discarded.

Does MN.IT SERVICES host streaming media content? If so, what types?

MN.IT SERVICES has two physical streaming media servers that host Real Media, Windows Media, Flash, MP4, 3GP and QuickTime. QuickTime is currently only offered as video-on-demand. For information, contact your account manager.